All Film in Berkhamsted

Going to the flicks? Catching a film? Checking out the latest movie? Blockbuster, action, adventure… we’re not going to list all the film genres; however, there is one thing they all have in common? Every film is best watched on the big screen. Best watched in the company of a community of people with but one single shared intention. To laugh, cry or cringe together. Berkhamsted and the surrounding HP4 villages have the incredible luxury of, in our opinion, the UK’s finest arthouse cinema, The Rex. Their curation of arthouse and foreign language films on weeknights is pure joy, especially in the winter when you really want to stay home, but the call for a huge screen, perfect sound and the comfiest seats in any cinema draws you out.

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The Cairo Conspiracy


Queen of Glory


Dear England (National Theatre Live)

Theatre, Dance & Performance

The Motive & The Cue (National Theatre Live)

Theatre, Dance & Performance

Vanya National Theatre Live (Screening)

Theatre, Dance & Performance

Manon Royal Opera House Ballet (Screening)


Les Choristes


First Cow


What’s love got to do with it?


The Quiet Girl

Featured event Theatre, Dance & Performance

Dear England / National Theatre Live (Screening)


Rusalka / ROH Opera

Showing Film 25-36 of 95